Every year we as a family try to find a a family to go candy cane their house. this is us candy caning the house, we had a lot of fun and thankful that we were able to do it. We had over 300 candy canes all over their yard. fun times and really gets us into the spirit of Christmas
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Candy Caning
Every year we as a family try to find a a family to go candy cane their house. this is us candy caning the house, we had a lot of fun and thankful that we were able to do it. We had over 300 candy canes all over their yard. fun times and really gets us into the spirit of Christmas
BreAnnas Birthday pictures
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tis the Season
So the last few years we have what we call Candy Cane a house. Its like TPing a house with candy canes and dropping off presents for a family. We are all set to do that and when i was taking a friend of HaiLees home in conversation she was not doing Christmas this year because they could not afford a tree. I sent posting to my facebook and have had remarkable response from family and friends. With their help we are able to sponsor 2 families this year. I cant help but feel so thankful for my many blessings that i have from my family and friends. I know we have been in the same situation as this family and was blessed by Santa to be able to have gifts for my kids and a tree from a friend. To this day we use the same tree, it is what we call the Turnblom Tree and everyday when i turn on the lights it lights up our house and i am so thankful for it. I have recently moved offices and not knowing the people in my new office they have offered to donate stuff and provide a tree for the family. I am thankful for everyone!!!
Thanks again for all the support and love this holiday season!!!
Thanks again for all the support and love this holiday season!!!
BreAnna turns 18!!

Every year around this time things gets so busy that i forget to take time for my self and ponder what i am so thankful for. BreAnna turned 18 on the 14th of December. Were has the time gone with her, it was like yesterday she was born. I know we all say that but really i will be missing her childhood days. Its so wierd to know that she is considered an adult but in my eyes she will always be my baby. I can really tell that our relationship has grown so much and i have to watch my self to treat her more like an adult and not a child. i know that my days are numbered with her as well as far as living with me. She is finding her way and am so excited for her to do what ever makes her happy and become. Thank you BreAnna for being my daughter and my friend, I love you!!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
TJ turn 10!!!
Tj is 10 years old! Its so hard to believe how the time
has flown, So on Friday night at the Renton
Fun Center is family night so we went there
with my brother and his family to celebrate
TJ's and Williams Birthday
The kids had a blast and it was very nice.
William blowing out his candles
BreAnna and Penn
BreAnna made the cake - double bananna chocolate cake
it was really good cake!
He got a Wii game! Star Wars
TJ Blowing out his candles
Dad Lighting the candles TJ 10 and William 9 -
thats alot of candles to light
TJ is becoming quite the gentleman. He is doing really good in school loves sports. He is such a great big brother and is alway eager to help out. Today we are having grandparents over and his favorite dinner. I am so greatful to have TJ as my son!
Happy Birthday TJ! we love you!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mount Rainier

Took the kids for a day trip to Mount Rainier
there was so much Snow there but i just loved
this pictures had to post it, It was so pretty there
and on the way i gave the kids a scavenger hunt to
find stuff. There was no electronics allowed and they
had so much fun. And so did i talking about what we
saw. I love the out doors!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
To Our Angel!

I got this from everywere today and I am glad that I
am not the only one who feels a lose. I dont want to
talk about it but it was the hardest thing Ihave ever
had to go through. My loving husband has really
helped me deal with this lose. I am so very greatful
for my kids that I am able to raise and glad that
there is a day set aside to remember my Angel.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My kids crack me up all of the time.
Driving down the road and passing on the freeway by were i work, Treavor is in the back seat and says
"mom i know were you work"
I say
"really were is that?"
Tim and I look at each other because who knows what he is going to come up with.
Treavor says
"You work at Seattle Mortgage how may i help you!"
Tim and i look at each other again and laugh
Treavor knows how to dial my work phone number when he gets out of school.
Driving down the road and passing on the freeway by were i work, Treavor is in the back seat and says
"mom i know were you work"
I say
"really were is that?"
Tim and I look at each other because who knows what he is going to come up with.
Treavor says
"You work at Seattle Mortgage how may i help you!"
Tim and i look at each other again and laugh
Treavor knows how to dial my work phone number when he gets out of school.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Will This Day Ever End!!!
It has been a long time since I have had a day that I should not have gotten out of bed. Or I have and just didn't realize it. So on Tuesday my day starts with getting kids ready for school, making their lunches, piling in the van so i can drop them off at the school. I drop them off a little early before the buses come so of course i am in the bus line up but normally i am out of there right as they are coming so i don't get screamed at. So the kids pile out and we say our good byes and the VAN DOES NOT GO!! i should have known by this to just go home and go back to bed but of course i don't. My kids push my van out of the bus lane so i don't get screamed at by the school. I call BreAnna frantic to come help me, and then i call Tim. Tim tells me how to get it into gear and i take the van home. The transmission has been going out and i have been ignoring it because i know it is going to be expensive. I get the van home and park it and have BreAnna drive me to work. Now i start making calls on how much it is going to take to get the van fixed. Don't ask is all i can say. BreAnna picks me up and I take the van to the shop. It doesn't work half the time so i coast most of the way and get it to the shop just in time for them to close. I get home and something has happened to my computer, i cant retrieve nothing, Pictures gone! everything on it i cant get anything to come up so i call comcast because i think it has to do with macafee or something, i am on hold for EVER, i am making dinner, potatoes are bowling, meatloaf in the oven all set. I sit back down to the computer and Treavor tells me that he opened the gate outside. I tell him don't worry i will shut it latter, i am still on hold and still trying to figure out my computer. I get the Internet to come up but that is about it. about 1/2 hour or so goes by and i then tell Treavor to let the dog out. He does and of course i haven't shut the gate. HE GETS LOOSE ( i don't have a dog i have a horse) so i tell Breanna go get the dog i am on hold with COMCAST STILL. so she is running around trying to get the dog from the neighborhood. She comes back with his leash and his collar, no dog. I am still on hold and go outside to call the dog, he runs up to me and and of course takes off again in the wrong direction. Comcast finally picks up, and i start to tell her what is wrong with my computer and the kids are hollering that the dog is going crazy, Ok so i tell comcast i have to go because i have to go get the dog. I get into BreAnna's truck drive down call the dog, he gets in to the truck and i leash him up and go home. As i am walking through the house it is in golfed with smoke. HaiLee had dropped some grease on the stove and didn't get cleaned up very well i am assuming because the potato's are on fire. I yell at BreAnna to turn off the stove and get the fire out because i am trying to get the dog in the back yard, (gate now closed). I text Tim because he is at Football with TJ that dog is back home but now i have a fire!! Got the fire out and headed back to the phone to be on hold for ever with Comcast. After being on hold for EVER again and being told that they cant help me to call this number, that number which no one can speak English or help me. So i go to bed and call it a day!!! Thank goodness for my neighbor for lending me their car for a few days. With BreAnna's school schedule and work schedule and everything we are defiantly a 3 car family. Now if i can get help with my computer that would be great!! Any takers on that. :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Day of School and Kindergarten
Treavor got this from his teachers, Thought
it was cool! Had to share
Tim and his Dad Birthday!
Tim and his Dad's birthday are days apart so we celebrated them
As they were getting up you could hear thier bones creek as they got

As they were getting up you could hear thier bones creek as they got
Monday, August 31, 2009
HaiLee all dolled up!! (yes she ok'd the photos)
HaiLee stayed the night at her cousins house for one last
harrah for the summer. Amy did her makeup and hair.
I just love her hair. HaiLee is turning into such a
wonderful woman and i am so proud of her. I love you
HaiLee you look great!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Taco's and Licorice
So last night i was making Taco's for dinner. TJ was at football practice and HaiLee was watching some TV and BreAnna was at work. Treavor comes up and asks if he can put a licorice in his Taco. I said why not so i cut it up in to little pieces and put it in his taco to eat. At the time i was thinking a couple of things. He is defiantly the youngest and last child, and why not is it going to hurt him? of course not. So he came to conclusion that Red Licorice in a taco is not very good, When the other kids got home to eat they saw that Treavor had licorice in his taco they said how come we cant have any? i said you never asked. i know i need to let my kids spread their wings a little bit more than i let them and try something out and make their own opinion on it.
Monday, August 10, 2009
So HaiLee has seen my blog and for the past couple of times she comes out crying about it because there are embarrassing photos of her on it i guess. I don't think they are but she seems to think that they are so i told her i am not going to be putting any more pictures of her on my blog. What do you think?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
With all of the family photos it makes me crazy and sad at the same time. I know that i have family that follow my blog and they are going to be upset or what ever but i don't care anymore. I don't have a relationship with my immediate family like i would like and it makes me really sad to know that things are being said about me that are not true or about my kids. If talking about about someone makes you feel better about yourself than so be it. We could have a huge family gathering but ego's, pride and everything gets in the way. I would just love to be able to go to a family function and not feel like i was scrutinised for everything that i have done or did. I know that people are missing out on my kids and it makes me sad to know that its OK with them. And i am sad that my kids cant get to know them. I had a great childhood. I have always loved it and have talked about it with my kids and going to the farm and visiting family has made me sad to know that i have kept away because of them. My kids have even missed out through these years about what makes me me. When i was at the farm my kids saw kid pictures of me and they thought it was funny because they have never seen any pictures of me as a kid, just stories. Every person has had a time in their child hood that they remember weather it was good or bad and just because i have brought them up in passing while raising my kids and why i am doing things different doesn't mean that my whole child hood was bad. We learn from what we didn't like as a child and change it with raising our kids, and as my kids grow up and have kids they will do the same thing. I would hope that they change things because they didn't like the way i did something. I know that i have raised my kids the best possible way that i know how to and want to. I also know that i will never loose communication with them because as they have kids, i want to be part of their life for who they are and who they will become along with my grand kids. I cant wait for the day to come when i can stop raising kids and watch my kids raise theirs the way they want from learning from what i have done good or bad. That is what life is about and i cant wait to be apart of it.
HaiLee is taking swimming lessons so next year she can join the
swim team. She is my water baby. You name it Ocean, River,
Lake, or Pool, she loves the water and anything she can find
in it. I am so proud of her!!!!!!!!

My sister with her 2 daughters and my 3 of my kids
swim team. She is my water baby. You name it Ocean, River,
Lake, or Pool, she loves the water and anything she can find
in it. I am so proud of her!!!!!!!!
We went with my sister in law and my nephews to watch the blue
angels take off. It was so hot that day. The kids had a good time
though. Some older boys let them play football, and they got to
visit the ice cream man. Good time by all.
This picture is special for many reasons. This is my grandma, My
mom's mom and with her are only 4 of her grand kids and the rest are
only some of her Great Grand kids. We went to my cousins kids birthday
party in Port Angeles.
This is my grandmother and my Uncle Jason. He is so cool, When i
was a kid i thought he was so cool because he listened to the pop music
and was just a cool uncle. My kids love his house because they have a
creek in the back yard and they look for frogs and always gets drenched
with him is his mother my grandma. And i still think he is the coolest
uncle around. Love ya!!!!
My sister with her 2 daughters and my 3 of my kids
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