Treavor got this from his teachers, Thought
it was cool! Had to share
Treavor standing in line for his first
day of Kindergarten

The teachers don't know what they
have gotten them selves into with
this brood

Tim's Parents bought the pack packs again this year for the kids
and an outfit. Treavors is wearing his and Uncle Bryan bought the
shoes for them. I am so thankful for them to help us out.
Getting 4 kids to school makes one broke! Thanks Bill and Vickie and
Uncle Bryan!!! Your the BEST!!
I saw you guys with Trevor. My heart goes out to you people with kindergardeners. Its so hard. Jaeger had Mrs. McConnell. We really liked her.
I totally dropped the ball today with scouts and TJ. I hope all is well. I had so much on my mind. I'll call and chat with you. I hope I didn't offend you.
Man, is Summer over already? Where did it go? Glad to see you got your gang all ready and on their way. We're enjoying having a little more space and trying to figure out what to do with all of our junk. We'll catch you later.
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