Monday, August 10, 2009


So HaiLee has seen my blog and for the past couple of times she comes out crying about it because there are embarrassing photos of her on it i guess. I don't think they are but she seems to think that they are so i told her i am not going to be putting any more pictures of her on my blog. What do you think?


Chanin said...

You should tell her how much we like to see her happy face in her pictures. And how much I love her beautiful red hair. I always wanted red hair when I was little. She shouldn't be embarrassed. We love HaiLee!

Sorensen said...

She is at a hard age where pretty much everyone is self conscious and concerned about their appearance and what others think about them. Maybe you could consult with her about the pic choices before putting them on. It would give her a little autonomy and it would give you a chance to explain why you like certain pics and hopefully help her see them as you do. I think it would at least decrease the drama. Oh the joy of having girls! Good luck!

Anne said...

oh man you tell HaiLee we love to see pictures of her. I would be very sad if I didn't see her beautiful face and her happy attitude on the blog.
You can also tell her, she makes me smile when I see her at school.

Bonnie Bell Anderson said...

my #4 likes to check up on my blog from time to time to see what pictures I'm posting. I agree with the idea of letting her be involved with the photo choices. Tell her why you want to post this one or that one and let her choose between them.

Tabatha said...

i have talked with hailee and showed her the comments and we both agreed that i will go over the photos of her first and then post them. Thanks for the advise on this, Girls are way too complicated for me :)

Jennifer said...

I do like seeing her on here too. I can understand embarassing pictures on the internet. There are some pictures I don't want people to see, you were having a bad hair day etc. I think the idea of her approving them before you put them up is good. then she can be proud of what goes up and want to show her friends.

Mel C said...

Your blog wouldn't be complete without HaiLee! I love to see her growing up :)