Friday, December 18, 2009

Tis the Season

So the last few years we have what we call Candy Cane a house. Its like TPing a house with candy canes and dropping off presents for a family. We are all set to do that and when i was taking a friend of HaiLees home in conversation she was not doing Christmas this year because they could not afford a tree. I sent posting to my facebook and have had remarkable response from family and friends. With their help we are able to sponsor 2 families this year. I cant help but feel so thankful for my many blessings that i have from my family and friends. I know we have been in the same situation as this family and was blessed by Santa to be able to have gifts for my kids and a tree from a friend. To this day we use the same tree, it is what we call the Turnblom Tree and everyday when i turn on the lights it lights up our house and i am so thankful for it. I have recently moved offices and not knowing the people in my new office they have offered to donate stuff and provide a tree for the family. I am thankful for everyone!!!
Thanks again for all the support and love this holiday season!!!

1 comment:

Chanin said...

That is so neat. What a fun way to celebrate Christmas the right way!