Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Camping on the Farm

I was able to take the kids to Forks over the weekend and it is 20 degrees cooler there. We camped out on my grandmothers farm with my brothers family. It brought back so many memories of when i was a kid and i was very happy to share them with my kids. My grandmother is 91 years old and has had 2 strokes i believe, she has lost all of her right side of her body's movement. When we showed up late on Friday night i went in to the house and kept the kids outside because i was not sure what to expect. I haven't been to the farm in about 5 years or longer. (that's a whole another story). I went up to her not knowing if she would remember me and she did. She was in her hospital bed and she looked at me and said that she was glad i came and happy to see me. I hugged her and said that i have the kids outside can i bring them in. So i let my kids know what to expect and to be quiet and don't jump around. They walked in and grandma had the biggest smile on her face and gave every one multiple kisses. She remembered Hailee and BreAnna and TJ but has never seen Treavor.

The kids got to play with the goats, a baby calf, see a peacock nesting an egg, See the field get hayed, see baby chicks, ducks, llamas, a cow jump the fence to get back in. bunnies, you name it. They were every were on the farm. BreAnna got to go shooting with her Uncle. We woke up to roosters and a cow bell on a goat. (not sure what that was for?) It was a very sweet time for me to be able to relax knowing that the kids were doing what i used to do as a kid.

As we were packing up and saying our goodbyes to grandma we got some pictures taken with her and as all the 8 great-grand kids lined up to give her hugs and kisses she started to cry. It was a tender moment for me to know that i was remembered and loved and my kids will have this lasting memory of what it was like for their mom to be a kid. As i was giving her a hug and kiss goodbye she really started to cry and i was by this time as well. She told me that she was happy that i came out and that i am a special granddaughter with a great family. I think i have been needing to hear that my whole life. Someone in my family loves and accepts me for who i am and my kids.

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