Monday, June 20, 2011

Now what!

OK now that i have updated my blog with photos.  I am going to update as well.  I did not get into the online college that I was hoping too.  I guess you need some sort of college before you can get into this one and I don't have that.  I worked since I was 16 so college was never an option for me and I had done very well in the mortgage industry with out any college.  now that I am unemployed I am trying to figure out what I want to do.  I have been researching colleges and what the ratios of what I want to do and get a a job and right now in today's market it is not looking so good.  I thought that I had wanted to go to school to be a teacher but looking into stuff there are more unemployed teachers. If I do go to college for that I will still have a student loan and not a job.  So I have decided to take the summer off and spend time with my kids and finish my kitchen up and some other little project and take time to figure things out.  I will just start taking classes in September when the kids go back to school and not stress to much about what I have to become.

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