Sunday, May 15, 2011

A New Year

So I am a year older.  What a way to start my new year.  I was sitting watching some TV right before Tim went to work on Friday and I got an email from a school that I was trying to get into that I was not accepted.  Reason being is that I have not attended college before.  It was an on-line college and they want you to have at lease some college experience or your AA.  So now I sit there alone because Tim has to go to work and the kids are still at school and I don't know what to do now or were to begin.  Were does one start when they are older, how do I begin?  What does all this lingo mean when I am looking up things online?  I am so confused and don't know were to begin. How am I able to take assessment test when I cant even help my kids with math?   Now I am another year older and need to start some were but just don't know how. 
I did have a wonderful birthday though.   My Brother in law had a party for his 50th birthday so we had a party for him on my birthday.  As we were getting ready in the morning my in laws come over and brought me homemade cupcakes. As a family we celebrated it today.  The kids decorated the house with signs, Tim made a great dinner for me and HaiLee made a cake that even she could enjoy with me.
One thing I do know is that at the end of the day, I have a wonderful family. They love me know matter if I have a job, if i am going to college, if i am making a difference in the world they love me for me and that is the best present that i could ever ask for. 

1 comment:

Sorensen said...

That really sucks Tabs. Things will turn around. I took some classes from South Seattle Community College to prep for my nursing progam. That might be a good place to start. Good Luck!