Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today i am feeling a little over whelmed and this is my blog so i can vent on it all i want. The kids have baseball 3 of them, Hailee, TJ and Treavor. Tj and Treavor have boyscout, finally found a troop that does so much with them and keeps them busy during the meetings, I love their new pack, troop or what ever you call it, My back has been out and i have physical therapy 2 times a week. I work and have a commute to Tacoma every week day. Am i complaining YES i want my back, back to normal it is making me cranky and very emotional. My side of the family doesn't get along with each other and there are some family functions coming up and very stressed out to go to them. Reality hit me that my oldest is graduating in just a few short months from now. She will be living her own life and i wont be able to see her every day. There just isn't enough time of the day for me to be able to sit down and soak it all in pain free. Thank goodness Tim is able to help with everything and we work well together in coordinating what needs to happen that evening. But right now all i want to do is lay down and cry! I sure hope Tims schoulder is water proof because it is going be soaked.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Sounds very crazy. Hang in there. I know you're a tough cookie. I can't hardly believe Bri is going to graduate. Time goes too fast.