Monday, March 22, 2010

The Yard Work Begins

I have the best kids, My back has been out for a
couple of weeks and i have been very anxious to
get out there and mow the yard. I thought it
would be too much for the kids and i was wrong.
I brought it out just to see what they could do and
if i could just do it. TJ did a great job and did it.
HaiLee cut some weeds and nailed some loose
boards on the fence and so did Treavor. The came
through for me and didn't complain and did a
wonderful job!!!

The cat was working too, we just don't know what
his agenda was exactly!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hooray for kids helping! My mother always said, "Many hands make light work." Of course I didn't appreciate it back then as the extras hands were mine but now I like having those extra hands be my helpers.