Thursday, February 12, 2009


Sometimes being a mother has its challenges expecailly when you have such a wide span of kids ages. They all need something and are so different with what they need for their age and boy or girl. My oldest daughter and I have not been seeing eye to eye on things for a while. She is a teen and is trying her own Independence and is trying too hard not to become her mom. I am trying hard not to be a naggy mom at the same time and help her through her issues or should i just say life and growing up. She has really struggled this year in school and we have been really fighting about stuff and i am not relating to her to help her want to get her life long dream or goal in life of being a pilot. She is so smart and has wanted this for a very long time. She has been working at it for years. I finally got to talk with her one on one yesterday and it took a while but i think we finally broke ground. She is so stressed out and i just couldn't understand why. Her goal has changed, She doesn't know what she wants to do and it isn't the same as it was when she was younger and she is feeling like she has to accomplish this goal because it is all she has talked about and breathed for so many years. she is failing her own goal. It finally dawned on me last night through the tears. Its OK to change what you want out of life and what you want to become. She just needs to take what she has and the school that she is going to and make something of it that she wants. Her going to this school is only going to make it easy in life. All the tools that she needs to do what ever she wants is there and she can change her goals. It OK and her mom is right there rooting her on to what ever she wants to become. its OK, we will figure it out as long as she lets me in we can work though it and she doesn't have to think of her self as failing her goal. She is changing her goal to what ever she wants and its is OK to change as long as you do have a goal to work towards and at this point her goal is to figure out what her goal in life is going to be. I think that is why they call it the Teen years and not the Adult Years.


Bonnie Bell Anderson said...

Let her know that statistics show that 80% of college students change their major at least once, and the average is more like 3 times. She's still in high school! Make sure she understands it's definitely OK and totally normal to change your mind at this age. She doesn't have to decided anything yet.

Tabatha said...

I will tell her that for sure. Thanks for the insite on it, i didnt even think of telling her that. Thanks

Jennifer said...

I totally know how she feels. I always wanted to be a doctor when I "grew up". I told that to people since I was 8. So in college when I decided it was not a very family friendly goal, it was hard to break the news to everyone I knew, and sometimes I felt like I had let myself down. But I am glad I choose engineering, I can still earn a living while I need to and it took a lot less years than 12 years. I'd still be there...

Laura Jex said...

Sounds like your are on the right track!

Sampson Family said...

I'm so glad you too were able to talk. If she ever needs another indecisive soul that felt she was letting everyone down - I would be happy to share :) Sometimes too much advise doesn't help, so just continue to love her. You are so AWESOME!