This summer has been very uneventful, One of the reasons is gas prices. I had a family reunion in Califormia but with the gas prices we ended up going camping for the weekend. It was so nice, one of my friends has a cabin (crab shack) that she was so nice and let us camp on her property. It was a river right on the property that was so beautiful and relaxing. My sister and i took our kids and just had a great sister time weekend. It was nice to spend some quality time with her and her kids. One thing i really enjoyed was on the last day i stepped out of my tent and twisted my foot. I could not step down on it at all, i have never had a broken bone so i didnt know what it felt like. After going to the doctors like 3 times they tell me that i just sprained it. It was not getting any better so went to an orthopedic person and they said that i did break it in 3 places and fractured it in one spot. good news was that i didnt have to break down camp!!!
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